Did you know that Coffee is the World’s second largest Commodity next to Oil? The majority of consumers mistakenly associate Coffee with weight loss. Repeatedly folks have tried to use coffee in their diet and the results are futile. HOWEVER…through the science of Bio Hacking, we have the solution.
People throughout the world Drink Coffee for the “edge” it provides the “feeling”. After the second cup, most of us are ready to start our day. We are most productive then!
The majority of consumers mistakenly associate Coffee with weight loss. Repeatedly folks have tried to use coffee in their diet and the results are futile. HOWEVER…through the science of biohacking, we have the solution.
Adding plôs thermo to your morning cup for enhanced weight loss. Simply “Snap” the package of this amazing additive and add it to your favorite brew, either hot or cold! plôs thermo is a non-dairy creamer that truly enhances your Coffee.
We lose weight through the thermogenic properties, simple as that! IN ADDITION, you will find that your mood is enhanced!
Do you know what makes a morning with Coffee even better?
Watch This Video
Sometimes You Need A Jolt!
I am most likely your average “Joe” when it comes to eating habits, Your typical “meat and potatoes” person. But I like what I like! Steak, hamburger, chicken, fish…prepared well and accompanied by, well, you name it Fries or Sweet potatoes, Green beans or hashbrowns. That’s just me. Give me protein and potato chips or a loaded baked potato! As far as selection I am pretty flexible.
And then my great weakness…Sweets! Candy bars to Gourmet Cheesecake, Cookies to Teramasu. I am not known to pass up desserts! My favorite time of the evening is after the dishes are cleaned, the dog walked and I have the time to sit down and unwind. DESSERT TIME!
For some odd reason, food started tasting better. And amazingly, I no longer consumed “Huge” portions at a time. What an amazing revelation…the Coffee works as a Bio Hack to change my eating habits.
Significant results take time. However, I began to “eat to Live” Rather than “live to eat.”You will also notice that food tastes even Better. This science helped me to shed nearly 20 pounds within 12 months. Actually, I noticed a tremendous shift within 3 weeks.
As a musician who stands, confined to a small area while on stage, within two months performing got much easier! A physician friend had advised me that for every 5 pounds I carried it translated into 15 pounds pressure on my legs. 4 hour gigs became significantly easier. I can’t even stress how much this has improved my comfort and performance!
The Quest
If I were to define what I wanted in life, Most likely many of you would “check out” after three paragraphs. I could write volumes. We have, as humans a few common life goals. These are a few of my basic desires, “The Quest”. I think many of you can relate.
- Intimacy: Not necessarily physically but emotionally. I crave relationships where I can truly share my heart with another without fear. In this case, Intimacy in this case means “Into-Me-See.”
- Unconditional love. We are social creatures. Each relationship has a different level of caring. If the Universe allows, we find one, maybe two or at most a handful of friends that will go to the wall with us.
- Forgiveness. I so need a chance to reconcile mistakes. Life is messy and I cannot progress if I am not allowed second, or third or 200 chances to correct myself.
Do you find it odd that these desires to connect are found at meals, coffee shops, or relaxing on the back porch with a glass of Fine Wine? The frank and heartfelt conversations inevitably find us sharing these simple, quite natural pleasures.
I want to share these moments without the hassle of considering what I am eating. Diets be damned! I want to be present, aware, and relaxed while engaging with a close friend or life partner.
You can see the benefits of plôs thermo. This amazing product allows us to abandon negative self-talk and simply let our hair down. We already know that we are caring for ourselves and know that there is no need to worry about the total restraint that accompanies most diets.
Before “The Quest”
Fact: Waking up was never a picnic. Consequently, For some reason, I liked to sleep much more than get up to face a world of hassles and conflict.
My typical day was slamming down several cups of coffee with donuts (love them sweets), reading a newspaper, and heading out into the abyss! Traffic, tedious work, and negative thoughts were the norm.
I could obsess easily on a snide comment from a co-worker or boss. The world was a mess in my mind I was a victim of society’s ills. So, I was no real joy to be around.
The temporary jolt of coffee and sweets disintegrated by mid-morning. Then I could hardly wait for a break to refuel on coffee and sweets. Hence, the cycle started…coffee and sweets every two to four hours.
A beer or more after work at the local watering hole after work could give me temporary relief until dinner. I still was able to socialize in the evenings however my circle of friends mused about which version of me was going to show up!
Life Doesn’t Have to Be This Way
Meanwhile, my weight was increasing. At the same time, my mood and especially my energy were declining. Like a frog boiling in oil, I didn’t recognize the hopeless situation I was creating.
Like most people, when I was confronted with the “Facts” either by friends or brief moments of clarity, I would jump on diet bandwagons, whatever one was popular at the time. I can only say I was then on a new cycle of mild success and devasting failures. As you can imagine, overall I felt terrible. This was insane!
Without a major change, I was trapped!
Then I found a solution! A Bio Hack that changed my life! plôs thermo was introduced to me by a friend! I began “The Quest!”
Result of my newfound Quest
By drinking one or two cups of coffee with plôs thermo, it did not take long before realizing that life was changing…and for the better! And, the glass of Fine Wine remained a part of my daily routine!
Now I share my Quest with all those who ask or care to listen. Not a day goes by without an opportunity! People WANT to know! Weary souls seek true solutions and witness my own transformation!
I simply drink 1 to 2 cups of great-tasting coffee (using the plôs thermo as my creamer) during the morning. As mood and energy returned, so did clarity of mind. Rational thinking led me to make a few adjustments in diet and lifestyle naturally. It was an epiphany, at least to me, that skipping a few donuts or possibly eating on a regular schedule just might be helpful to my Quest. At the time, this was radical and I watched in amazement as my whole lifestyle began to transform!
- No Special Diets!
- I needed not to “force” myself into exercising like an Olympian. So, my body transitioned into more activity. Calories burned through increased energy.
- The packets of this amazing creamer,plôs thermo come pre-measured. No Fuss!
We have a lot Already on our Plates without added Stress!
Let’s face it, as the World Changes more rapidly by the day, so do our personal financial, physical and mental demands. We desire the best possible for our families and communities. Why would we want to suffer constant anxiety or moderate to severe obesity? We have families to feed and bills to pay that require peak performance from us! This is where plôs thermos Boosts us into more productive and useful human beings!
An added benefit I picked up on My Quest! INCOME!
Through Our Online Community an opportunity to create income streams from not only the Coffee, but several amazing products. The Community has a huge line of products that we all consume. In turn, I started making money by simply using and sharing everyday staples and essentials. You have to see it to believe it.
Check out how YOU can benefit through our amazing program by clicking on our Contact Information Page. You deserve the same!
Watch these videos and Find Your own Quest!
Bio Hacking, what a powerful Scientific discovery! It allows us to look, feel and sleep better! This is Beneficial for all and we want you to understand the concepts and benefits.
To Understand the principle watch this comprehensive video. All of this “Opportunity: It’s About Freedom!” is available now.
We have the path through some Amazing products! Simply click here to see whats available!.
Contact us for anything on the Community Information System
We have used these products and seen the results. Furthermore, YOU can join us not only as a consumer but Partner! Not to worry though, you have no obligations nor would we pressure you . THE PRODUCTS SELL THEMSELVES! .
Bio Hacking Is Genuine!
I have fought depression, resulting in weight gain and fatigue my entire life. This amazing science has been such a godsend! By using Bio Hacking consistently I managed to shed nearly 40 pounds! I feel better than ever and look a decade younger! I am SO sold on this concept and glad that a friend introduced me to it. The change is unreal! This Company came along at just the right time!
Life today is an answer to prayers. It is so exciting to share this with YOU!
Bio Hacking is not new. It has been around for over 32 years. Millions have experienced its life-changing enhancements. Many folks’ concepts of the future have already passed! You can experience this NOW!
Click here TO START!
Now adding to our plôs line of products.
Contact us for anything on the Community Information System
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this market is growing and GLOBALLY AVAILABLE. Not only will our products improve lives but will create Wealth and Success for families all around the World. Discover the future in science wealth for the benefit of others and we LOVE IT!
Contact us for anything on the Community Information System!!!